The VAT domestic reverse charge will finally apply to most supplies of building and construction services from 1 March 2021. The rules, whose implementation have been postponed twice, cover standard and reduced rate VAT supplies between VAT-registered sub-contractors and contractors where reporting is required under the construction industry scheme (CIS). Read More...
Many businesses are struggling with the VAT regime in place since Brexit, especially when it comes to exporting goods to the EU. We address some of the common misunderstandings. Exporting goods Provided you have proof of postage or shipment, goods exported from the UK to the EU are zero-rated. However, Read More...
More support is available to help businesses in this latest lockdown, expected to last until at least 8 March. Keep up to date with, and claim, any support that your business is entitled to so you can plan cash flow and take remedial action as necessary. Council grants The Closed Read More...
The Wealth Tax Commission, an independent body of tax experts, has set out the framework for a one-off wealth tax. Will the Chancellor be tempted to adopt this? In his November [2020] statement, in which Chancellor Rishi Sunak highlighted that the government was spending £280 billion this financial year on Read More...
Continuing my immigration theme from earlier this week, I thought I’d comment on business travel to the EU as this has become significantly more complicated since 1 January, with many activities carried out by short-term business visitors now requiring a work permit. Business travel includes activities such as travelling for Read More...
With the end of freedom of movement between the UK and EU from 1 January 2021, the UK has introduced an immigration system that treats all applicants equally. Anyone recruited to work in the UK from outside the UK, excluding Irish citizens, must meet certain requirements and apply for permission. Employers Read More...