An investment in Tesco(LSE: TSCO) (NASDAQOTH: TSCDY.US) now is surely an investment betting on the supermarket chains recovery potential.The bigger they are, the harder they fall, goes the saying, and Tesco is certainly falling hard.
Latest City estimates have the firms profit for the year ending in February 2016 down around 50% since the peak achieved in February 2012 over four years, earnings will have halved. No wonder the share price, at 230p, is down about 52% from the 480p or so it reached at the end of 2007.
What will catalyse a recovery?
Its hard to see a strong factor ahead that could drive a profit recovery at Tesco. The firms bloated British supermarket estate is starting to look like a drag on the business as all the perky growth in the industry seems to be in alternative business areas such as the convenience-store market and internet sales. Even the firms international businesses no longer seem to brim with growth potential. Overseas trading is tough, and overseas assets could quickly become overseas liabilities.
When any firm gets so big that it dominates its industry, the path of least resistance is down. It wouldnt surprise me if, from now on, most of Tescos survival strategies net-out to shrinking the firms operations.
The incoming Chief Executive, Dave Lewis, has a task on his hands. He took his seat on 1 September, but Tescos trading statement on 29 August gave some clues about how things may go. The board slashed the interim dividend by 75% and trimmed capital expenditure by around 16% in the face of challenging trading conditions.
Engineering survival
Tesco seems set to hunker down to the task of engineering its own survival. Theres more to come with cost cutting, I reckon, much more. Assets will need to work hard for the business and, if they dont, they must surely go, whether at home or abroad.
Tescos directors reckon the new Chief Executive will review every aspect of Tescos operations. That seems like a major task as the business model has stopped working as well as it used to. So, a focus on the basics with a view to remodelling the business seems like the end of the firms pursuit of growth for some time perhaps forever
To me, Tescos recovery potential looks limited, so the firm doesnt seem like a promising capital-growth investment.
However, three companies seem poised to do well this year and beyond. The Motley Fools top team of share analysts reckons these three could be among the best picks on the London market today.
One company is a largely ignored small cap trading at an irresistible discount. There’s a play on technology focused high-tech defence applications, and the third share provides a fundamental vehicle to ride emerging-market potential.
Find out more by clicking here.
Kevin Godbold has no position in any shares mentioned. The Motley Fool UK owns shares of Tesco. We Fools don’t all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors.